Monday, August 25, 2014

New Baby vs. Writing Schedule

Well, eventually that time arrived, and our little son was born on August 13th, 10 days early. They say that's unusual for a firstborn, being born almost 2 weeks early. They also said that it's unusual to feel the really early labor pains that I had to tolerate for 23 hours before being admitted into the hospital for the "real thing". Exciting! LOL. However, it wasn't really that laughable at the time, mostly just torturous, especially since being admitted only meant that I then had a few more hours of much more intense labor before delivery since I opted out of the drugs...
Either way, the painful part is all over and done with, and we are off on a new adventure in our little family! Like they say, it's worth it. It's been 12 days with a newborn needing feedings every 2-3 hours and attention at random times both day and night, so my writing schedule has been basically nonexistent. Fortunately, I have had a little time to get prepared for my online teaching job these last few days, but I haven't been using baby's nap times for writing just yet. I'm still adjusting and trying to catch up on lost chores and business matters. Hopefully, life will get into a new and improved routine shortly, and I will be back up and writing in no time. For the time being, I think about how this new experience will lead to new ideas that I will likely pen to paper in the months and years to come. Watching a newborn experience even the most simple things with a fresh perspective makes you see the world with a new perspective, as well. A walk around the block becomes an epic journey. A simple mobile becomes symbolic. It's all brand new, and I hope to soak it all in. Experience is everything for writers, and it appears that that's true for mothers, as well.

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