2. While gnawing on those sunglasses during walks, he also kicks up his feet onto the cupholders of his stroller and leans back to enjoy the ride with a bottle of milk. Livin' the easy life.
3. He prefers walking to crawling. The problem is, he can't walk on his own, obviously, so he will fuss until we hold his arms, help him stand, and "walk" him around (then, of course, he is all smiles!). Also, instead of getting up on two knees and two hands to crawl, he will occasionally lift himself into the "downward dog" position and make frustrated noises before collapsing. He will sometimes balance himself precariously on one foot and two arms and two feet and one arm for several seconds before slowly, awkwardly, tipping over. Hey, practice makes perfect!
5. He makes wild expressions and gestures as if he is seriously communicating with you. It's actually really awesome and hilarious.
6. He's teething and will gnaw on practically everything. I offer him teething rings and toys often, but he tends to spit them out and insert the nearest inedible object. Just today, he tried to eat my laptop case, two pillows, his stuffed monkey, his socks, my socks, my new flip-flops, my arm, five different books, his sunglasses, his shirt, his pants, my pants, my laptop, his diaper bag, a ball, the couch, the kitchen table, his car seat, his high chair, and half a dozen other items.
8. He has a foot fetish. Seriously, he is obsessed with feet. He grabs his own feet and pulls off his socks so he can admire his toes. He finds it hysterically funny if I move my toes up and down while wearing socks. Add in weird noises, and he will literally fall over laughing. He will also try to munch on the feet of friend, family, and stranger alike, so beware.
There you have it: 8 silly habits of a fascinating little 8-month old. Maybe next month, I'll make a list of 9 fresh items, as he will have no doubt picked up more bizarre behaviors by that time...
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