2. Carries around a bulb syringe (nose sucker thingy, in layman's terms). Gnaws on the round part occasionally. Maybe it helps with the teething..?
3. Bites down on marble tabletop. The coffee table in our living room has a marble top layer and he tries to gnaw on the edges. Ow. We've moved him away, thinking it would hurt his little teeth, but he just keeps coming back for more.
4. Kisses his reflection. This isn't bizarre or hilarious so much as it is darn adorable, but when looking at himself in the mirror, he will sometimes give his reflection a smooch.
5. Dances by shaking his butt, shoulders and back, sometimes all at once, usually while sitting. Occasionally becomes too enthusiastic and tips over. I'll have to record it one of these days...
6. Searches for leftover food under the table. I swear, the kid gets plenty to eat, but after a meal he will always go back and check under his high chair for some fresh leftovers for dessert. I have to be a speedy cleaner and vacuum often.
7. Blows raspberries on belly buttons. He will climb over to people who are lying down, lift up their shirts and proceed to smack some slobbery raspberries on their bellies. He will also do this with his stuffed animals, despite their lack of belly buttons.
9. Attacks his favorite stuffed animals. Every morning, he will literally tackle his stuffed monkey with a huge hug as though he hasn't seen the thing in ages.
10. Ambles over to any and all electrical cords and outlets whenever they are in sight. Seriously, you can offer him the coolest, most colorful and noisy toy ever, but if there's an extension cord nearby, the toy might as well not exist. Definitely gets this from Daddy the electrician. Or he just wants to see if he can drive me crazy chasing after him anyplace that isn't childproofed. Perhaps both.
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