Tuesday, June 30, 2020

3rd Annual June Writing Challenge!

In April and May, I didn't write as much as I'd hoped. I think I was in survival mode. I don't say that to be dramatic; I think trying to power through chemotherapy just took a lot of my energy, and what was left over went to my family and job. Dealing with a pandemic probably didn't help. My creativity seemed tapped out, too. If my energy was one of those bars in a video game, it would have been flashing under my character, signaling immediate need to replenish.

As May ended, I felt able to dive back into my writing. I did a lot of reading from so many different perspectives, which I think helped, and my family and I took a little trip with a lot of fresh air. It also probably didn't hurt that the school year wrapped up and I was able to come up for a breath from under the last-minute rush of student work. In short, June has been a much more productive writing month!

Last year, I did my 2nd annual "June Writing Month", since November is too busy for teachers, as I like to say. I have been writing a lot this month. I've gotten about 20,000 words down in a new story that I've been writing, bringing that manuscript to nearly 40,000 words. It's coming along nicely, and some days I've gotten into a nice flow where the words are dancing onto the paper (or the screen, I suppose). It's so refreshing after the tapped-out feeling of April and May. I'm going to keep moving along with my writing next month, as I've learned there is actually a Camp NaNoWriMo in July! How on earth did I miss that? Well, I've joined in now, and I'll be looking for writing buddies at Camp if anyone's interested.

This new story was partially inspired by the cancer diagnosis, so I guess there was some positive light shed there. Without getting completely into it, I will say that it's sort of a superhero story and sort of a thriller, with speculative elements thrown in. The narrator's experience is somewhat similar to mine. I have a ton of thoughts about this story right now, and I'm not 100% sure how it's going to pan out, but I've done my usual outlining and a lot of free-writing and typing, typing, typing. While I'm not certain where exactly it fits genre-wise, I'm really excited about it! I think it also helps to distract me from the wait for surgery right now and the uncertainty of whether or not I'll have to go through radiation as well later this summer. I'm going to keep on writing, regardless, through cancer and beyond.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for continuing to blog, this list gave me a different perspective. If you can get through chemotherapy, and surgery during a pandemic that gives me courage to keep on pushing forward in this life. I hope that this pandemic will make our relationships & country stronger love you friend!
