"How does this happen?" you may ask. First, let's play a game! Guess which of the following lines is from a published novel that went on to sell millions of copies:
A. "Up ahead they's a thousan' lives we might live, but when it comes it'll on'y be one."
B. "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
C. "His fingers were ice-cold, like he'd been holding them in a snowdrift before class."
D. "His voice is warm and husky, like dark melted chocolate fudge caramel...or something."
If you guessed "all of the above", you are correct! A is from The Grapes of Wrath; don't feel bad if you didn't recognize it, but Steinbeck's Depression-era novels are still frequently taught in schools (hence my teacher-ish choice). B is a relatively famous line from the Harry Potter series, which I'm willing to say is basically a classic as well by now...
Moving on...do the last two seem rather un-literary? If you said, "Hey, I'm not an amazing writer, but I could come up with better similes than those if you woke me out of bed at 2am after a rather celebratory evening", I would say that you're probably right. Still, this stuff sells millions. Somehow. C is from Twilight and D is from Fifty Shades of Gray. Both have even made it to the big screen.
Now, I'm not going to say that you shouldn't read those two books or that you're "not cool" if you liked them, but I will say that I wish there was a greater appreciation for quality literary fiction, both in the publishing realm and throughout the world at large. It depresses me when I see novel after novel of spine-less female characters surrounded by awkwardly-forced metaphors. These two books just happen to be the most popular examples that fit this common occurrence. Still, a part of me knows why it happens. After attending a few writing webinars and conferences, I've learned that most publishing success boils down to marketing. Publishers pick up what makes them the big bucks, and sometimes you might be amazed at what sells. I am probably a bit of a literary snob (though I try not to be; I'll read anything once!) so I sometimes feel annoyed when bad work is picked up and (worse!) sells millions of copies. You might say, "Sarah, how can it be so 'bad' if it sells millions?" Color me confused because I haven't a clue beyond the fact that those authors have great marketing techniques and publishers willing to put in the time to make sure that particular book is in your face everywhere you go. Their popularity spreads like a disease.
I have to admit, I fell for the Twilight craze back in the day (if you haven't read it, don't; if you have, check out the lovely parody entitled Nightlight- much more entertaining than the original), and though I felt unsatisfied with the main character's complete lack of personality and the cheesy writing, there was something very intriguing about the underlying plot of the story- I just wish someone else had scooped up the idea and written it better first! I can happily say that I haven't fallen for the 50 Shades craze, though if the rumors are true, this one is equally poorly written. Honestly, if I really want to hear some awkward metaphors for genitalia, I can just go back to teaching at the public high school.